
Monday, 3 February 2014

Quick Docker setup on vagrant machine.


Docker is a Linux container, written in Go and based on lxc (self-described as “chroot on steroids”) and AUFS. Instead of providing a full VM, like you get with Vagrant, Docker provides you lightweight containers, that share the same kernel and allow to safely execute independent processes.
Docker is attractive for many reasons:
  • Lightweight; images are much lighter than full VMs, and spinning off a new instance is lightning fast (in the range of seconds instead of minutes).
  • Version control of the images, which makes it much more convenient to handle builds.
  • Lots of images (again), just have a look at the docker public index of images.
Let’s set up a Docker container on your Vagrant machine:
  1. SSH in Vagrant if you’re not in already:
     $ vagrant ssh
  2. Install Docker, as explained on the official website:
     $ sudo apt-get update
     $ sudo apt-get install linux-image-generic-lts-raring linux-headers-generic-lts-raring
     $ sudo reboot
     $ sudo sh -c "curl | apt-key add -"
     $ sudo sh -c "echo deb docker main > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/docker.list"
     $ sudo apt-get update
     $ sudo apt-get install lxc-docker
  3. Verify it worked by trying to build your first container:
     $ sudo docker run -i -t ubuntu /bin/bash
  4. Great, but we’ll need more than a vanilla Linux. To add our dependencies, for example to run a Node.js + MongoDB app, we’re gonna start by creating a Dockerfile:
     FROM ubuntu
     # Fetch Nodejs from the official repo (binary .. no hassle to build, etc.)
     ADD /opt/
     # Untar and add to the PATH
     RUN cd /opt && tar xzf node-v0.10.19-linux-x64.tar.gz
     RUN ln -s /opt/node-v0.10.19-linux-x64 /opt/node
     RUN echo "export PATH=/opt/node/bin:$PATH" >> /etc/profile
     # A little cheat for upstart ;)
     RUN dpkg-divert --local --rename --add /sbin/initctl
     RUN ln -s /bin/true /sbin/initctl
     # Update apt sources list to fetch mongodb and a few key packages
     RUN echo "deb precise universe" >> /etc/apt/sources.list
     RUN apt-get update
     RUN apt-get install -y python git
     RUN apt-get install -y mongodb
     # Finally - we wanna be able to SSH in
     RUN apt-get install -y openssh-server
     RUN mkdir /var/run/sshd
     # And we want our SSH key to be added
     RUN mkdir /root/.ssh && chmod 700 /root/.ssh
     ADD /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
     RUN chmod 400 /root/.ssh/authorized_keys && chown root. /root/.ssh/authorized_keys
     # Expose a bunch of ports .. 22 for SSH and 3000 for our node app
     EXPOSE 22 3000
     ENTRYPOINT ["/usr/sbin/sshd", "-D"]
  5. Let’s build our image now:
     $ sudo docker build .
     # Missing file ... hahaha ! You need an ssh key for your vagrant user
     $ ssh-keygen
     $ cp -a /home/vagrant/.ssh/ .
     # Try again
     $ sudo docker build .
     # Great Success! High Five!
  6. Now, let’s spin off a container with that setup and log into it ($MY_NEW_IMAGE_ID is the last id the build process returned to you):
     $ sudo docker run -p 40022:22 -p 80:3000 -d $MY_NEW_IMAGE_ID
     $ ssh root@localhost -p 40022
You now have a Docker container, inside a Vagrant box, ready to run a Node.js app.


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