
Saturday, 22 October 2011

Create database link in Oracle

If database is on the same machine(linux/window):
conntion string : 'sid'
Query to use:
 sid: service id or host string of the databaes

Oracle Caller interface using C

Using the C interface OCI for connectivity with Oracle Database

Steps :
1.      Check if OCI (Oracle Call Interface) exists at the Oracle home directory, for example : E:\oracle\ora92\product\\db_1\oci

2.      Create a database ada1, with a table adatab (id integer, PartNumber varchar(20), Nomenclature varchar(20)); and insert some values into the table.

3.      Create a test file for testing the connectivity to Oracle database and for Fetching data from the database, called Test.c at say, D:\Temp\Test.c.

4.      Information about Oracle Database Connection :
- For each connection to Oracle DB you need to create one pair of LDA and HDA data structures.
- LDA stands for Logon Data Area.
- HDA stands for Host Data Area.
- Function olog() used to established connection to Oracle DB.
- Function oerhms() returns the text of an Oracle error message, given the error code.

MongoDb: Install

MongoDB: document oriented database management system.

MongoDB is high performance, reliable document oriented dbms, which solve horizontal scaling problem of large database.

Installation steps on window:
Download the zip as per your system configuration. I've downloaded for 32-bit window.
Extract it anywhere on your system.

Pre-Installation Step
MongoDB need to be told where to create and store database files.
so,  create  /data/db directory anywhere on your system.
I've created it inside the mongodb extracted files as it make more sense. :P

mkdir data
mkdir ./data/db

Sunday, 22 May 2011

Best control Panel for your server

Well, when it comes to choosing a control panel for your server, first word that comes comes muttering on its own is "CPanel".  It's not your fault, it's just that cpanel is widely used hosting control panel enriched with super features and ease of use.
But wait, it's not free , you'll have to pay a hefty amount of annual licensing fees. If you'r happy with it, go for it, otherwise keep reading.

Best OS for your dedicated Server

Got a Dedicated Server , but dont' know which operating system is better???
Well, choosing a OS for your server and choosing a OS for your Desktop computer is two different thing.
For desktop most of the people and i will prefer Ubuntu but when it comes to server only one name buzz in  my mind "centOs".

Buying a new Server :Dedicated, Managed or Virtual ??

aaah, i'm done with shared hosting. With increasing clients and getting newer and NEWER project shared hosting can't seems to cope up with them. Besides a good amount of revenue goes out of my hand.

I started digging net to buy me a personal server. I stop at dell servers website and got shocked to see the how costly servers are. Even if you manage to buy one which eventually one will, maintenance cost, month IP pool(ip address you'll buy for creating custom domains) charges and bandwidth charge and DNS service charges and many more will make you collapse on your knees (unless you'r rich + technically sound).
So, here are some better option than owning your personal server.
*Managed Server
*Dedicated Server